
MC plus(エムシープラス)は、診療報酬・介護報酬改定関連のニュース、


第24回過労死等防止対策推進協議会 全体版資料 (107 ページ)

公開元URL https://www.mhlw.go.jp/stf/newpage_33331.html
出典情報 過労死等防止対策推進協議会(第24回 5/30)《厚生労働省》


Chapter 4

Status of implementation of measures to prevent karoshi, etc.

Improvement of consultation system, etc.
Establishing consultation services for working conditions and health care

Providing consultations on working conditions, such as illegal overtime work, through the "Labour
Standards Advice Hotline" (free telephone consultation service on weekdays, nights, weekends and
Providing consultation on mental health issues and health problems caused by overwork via SNS,
email and telephone at "Kokoro-no-mimi” (Ear of mind), a portal site for workers' mental health
Providing consultation services for workers who have problems with harassment at the
"Harassment Counseling Room"
Providing consultation services on problems between freelancers and clients through "Freelance
Problems Dial 110"

Establishing a consultation system for public employees, etc.

("Kokoro-no-mimi (Ear of mind)" poster)

Establishing a "Counseling Room For Mental Health " for national public employees (online counseling will be available from
FY2022), which can be used by employees and family members of each ministry and agency; a "Counseling Room for Mental
Health-Related Return to Work" where specialist physicians provide consultation on returning to work and preventing recurrence of
mental health problems among employees who have taken long-term sick leave due to mental health issues
Providing local public employees with free health counseling by telephone at the Mutual Aid Association of Prefectural
Government Personnel. Also, in cooperation with the Japan Local Government Employee Safety & Health Association,
establishing a free consultation service at the Fund for Local Government Employees' Accident Compensation for employees of
local governments and other organizations overseeing measures for mental health


Support for private organizations' activities
Organizing symposiums on promotion of prevention measures for karoshi, etc.

In cooperation with private organizations such as the National Center for Preventing Karoshi, the
National Association of Bereaved Families for Examining Karoshi and the National Defense Counsel
for Victims of KAROSHI, organizing symposiums on promotion of prevention measures for karoshi,
etc. by the national government in all prefectures (48 symposiums)

Organizing exchange programs for the bereaved children from karoshi

In cooperation with the National Association of Bereaved Families for Examining Karoshi, heal
the physical and mental health of the bereaved children through the event and hold a social event for
the bereaved children and their guardians to provide counseling, etc.

(Posters of symposiums on promotion of
prevention measures for karoshi, etc.)