
MC plus(エムシープラス)は、診療報酬・介護報酬改定関連のニュース、


【参考資料3】【英版R4.1.17】Nippon AMR One Health Report (NAOR) 2020 (78 ページ)

公開元URL https://www.mhlw.go.jp/stf/newpage_23261.html
出典情報 国際的に脅威となる感染症対策関係閣僚会議 薬剤耐性ワンヘルス動向調査検討会(第9回  1/17)《厚生労働省》


2. Antimicrobial stewardship regarding acute respiratory tract infections
[Review of past reports]
Higashi et al. analyzed social insurance billing data from 24,134 consultations between January and
March 2005. The analysis revealed that antimicrobials had been prescribed at 60% of the 4,325
consultations in which the patient’s diagnosis was a nonbacterial acute upper respiratory tract infection.8
Teratani et al. used the JMDC Claims Database to investigate antimicrobials prescribed for acute respiratory
tract infections in adults and children between January 2013 and December 2015. This study found that
40.7% of all antimicrobial prescriptions were for third-generation cephalosporins, with 32.8% for
macrolides and 14.7% for fluoroquinolones.9 Kimura et al. also used the JMDC Claims Database, extracting
information about patients, diagnoses, treatment, and medical facilities for the period April 2012 to July
2017 in order to examine trends in antimicrobial prescriptions and associated factors. 10 The results showed
that 17,208,787 consultations for 8,983,098 patients involved cases diagnosed with nonbacterial respiratory
tract infections. The mean monthly antibiotic prescribing rate per 100 NB-ARTI consultations during the
study period was 31.65, while the monthly antibiotic prescribing rate decreased by 19.2% between the first
and last months covered by the study. Examination of the factors in the prescription of antimicrobials
revealed that patients in the 13-18, 19-29, and 30-39 age groups were more likely to be prescribed
antimicrobials than patients aged 60 and above, and that outpatient clinics whose registered specialism was
internal medicine or ear, nose, and throat were more likely to prescribe antimicrobials. In addition, clinics
with or without beds prescribed more antimicrobials than other types of medical institution.
[Information updated in FY2020]
Koyama et al. likewise used the JMDC Claims Database to examine antimicrobial prescriptions for acute
respiratory tract infections between January 2013 and December 2015. 11 Examination of 8.65 million
consultations revealed that the consultation rate and antimicrobial prescription rate per 1000 person-years
were 990.6 [989.4-991.7] and 532.4 [531.6-533.3], respectively. The overall proportion of antimicrobial
prescriptions was 52.7% (Table 88).