07 参考資料2-1 帯状疱疹ワクチン ファクトシート (43 ページ)
公開元URL | https://www.mhlw.go.jp/stf/newpage_36248.html |
出典情報 | 厚生科学審議会 予防接種・ワクチン分科会 予防接種基本方針部会 ワクチン評価に関する小委員会(第21回 11/9)《厚生労働省》 |
Arvin AM, Gilden D. Varicella-zoster virus. Fields Virology. Knipe DM et al edt.
Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. 2013; 2015-57.
Harpaz R, Ortega-Sanchez IR, Seward JF. Prevention of herpes zoster: recommendations
of the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP). MMWR Recomm Rep
2008; 57(RR-5): 1-30.
浅田秀夫.帯状疱疹とワクチン.Derma 2015; 233: 23-8.
浅田秀夫.帯状疱疹の疫学と免疫学.Derma 2016; 241: 1-6.
Gnann JW Jr., Whitley RJ. Clinical practice. Herpes zoster. N Engl J Med 2002; 347:
Oxman MN. Zoster vaccine: current status and future prospects. Clin Infect Dis 2010; 51:
Cohen JI. Clinical practice: Herpes zoster. N Engl J Med 2013; 369(3): 255-63.
.IASR 2013; 34: 298-300.
Takao Y, Miyazaki Y, Okeda M, Onishi F, Yano S, Gomi Y, Ishikawa T, Okuno Y, Mori
Y, Asada H, Yamanishi K, Iso H. Incidences of Herpes Zoster and Postherpetic Neuralgia in
Japanese Adults Aged 50 Years and Older From a Community-based Prospective Cohort
Study: The SHEZ Study. J Epidemiol 2015; 25(10): 617-25.
10. 国立感染症研究所 感染症疫学センター. 年齢/年齢群別の水痘抗体保有状況, 2015 年. 2015 年
度感染症流行予測調査. http://www.nih.go.jp/niid/ja/y-graphs/6358-varicella-yosoku-serum2015.html
11. 神谷齊,浅野喜造,白木公康,中野貴司,比嘉和夫.帯状疱疹とその予防に関する考
察.感染症学雑誌 2010; 84: 694-701.
12. Takahashi M, Okada S, Miyagawa H, Amo K, Yoshikawa K, Asada H, Kamiya H, Torigoe
S, Asano Y, Ozaki T, Terada K, Muraki R, Higa K, Iwasaki H, Akiyama M, Takamizawa
A, Shiraki K, Yanagi K, Yamanishi K. Enhancement of immunity against VZV by giving
live varicella vaccine to the elderly assessed by VZV skin test and IAHA, gpELISA
antibody assay. Vaccine 2003; 21: 3845-53.
13. Okuno Y, Takao Y, Miyazaki Y, Ohnishi F, Okeda M, Yano S, Kumihashi H, Gomi
Y, Maeda K, Ishikawa T, Mori Y, Asada H, Iso H, Yamanishi K; Shozu Herpes Zoster
(SHEZ) Study Group. Assessment of skin test with varicella-zoster virus antigen for
predicting the risk of herpes zoster. Epidemiol Infect 2013; 141: 706-13.
14. Tang
H, Moriishi
E, Okamoto
S, Okuno
Y, Iso
H, Asada
H, Yamanishi
K, Mori
Y; Shozu Herpes Zoster Study group. A community-based survey of varicella-zoster virus-specific
immune responses in the elderly. J Clin Virol 2012; 55: 46-50.
15. Guess HA, Broughton DD, Melton LJ 3rd, Kurland LT. Epidemiology of herpes zoster in
children and adolescents: a population-based study. Pediatrics. 1985; 76(4): 512-7.
Arvin AM, Gilden D. Varicella-zoster virus. Fields Virology. Knipe DM et al edt.
Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. 2013; 2015-57.
Harpaz R, Ortega-Sanchez IR, Seward JF. Prevention of herpes zoster: recommendations
of the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP). MMWR Recomm Rep
2008; 57(RR-5): 1-30.
浅田秀夫.帯状疱疹とワクチン.Derma 2015; 233: 23-8.
浅田秀夫.帯状疱疹の疫学と免疫学.Derma 2016; 241: 1-6.
Gnann JW Jr., Whitley RJ. Clinical practice. Herpes zoster. N Engl J Med 2002; 347:
Oxman MN. Zoster vaccine: current status and future prospects. Clin Infect Dis 2010; 51:
Cohen JI. Clinical practice: Herpes zoster. N Engl J Med 2013; 369(3): 255-63.
.IASR 2013; 34: 298-300.
Takao Y, Miyazaki Y, Okeda M, Onishi F, Yano S, Gomi Y, Ishikawa T, Okuno Y, Mori
Y, Asada H, Yamanishi K, Iso H. Incidences of Herpes Zoster and Postherpetic Neuralgia in
Japanese Adults Aged 50 Years and Older From a Community-based Prospective Cohort
Study: The SHEZ Study. J Epidemiol 2015; 25(10): 617-25.
10. 国立感染症研究所 感染症疫学センター. 年齢/年齢群別の水痘抗体保有状況, 2015 年. 2015 年
度感染症流行予測調査. http://www.nih.go.jp/niid/ja/y-graphs/6358-varicella-yosoku-serum2015.html
11. 神谷齊,浅野喜造,白木公康,中野貴司,比嘉和夫.帯状疱疹とその予防に関する考
察.感染症学雑誌 2010; 84: 694-701.
12. Takahashi M, Okada S, Miyagawa H, Amo K, Yoshikawa K, Asada H, Kamiya H, Torigoe
S, Asano Y, Ozaki T, Terada K, Muraki R, Higa K, Iwasaki H, Akiyama M, Takamizawa
A, Shiraki K, Yanagi K, Yamanishi K. Enhancement of immunity against VZV by giving
live varicella vaccine to the elderly assessed by VZV skin test and IAHA, gpELISA
antibody assay. Vaccine 2003; 21: 3845-53.
13. Okuno Y, Takao Y, Miyazaki Y, Ohnishi F, Okeda M, Yano S, Kumihashi H, Gomi
Y, Maeda K, Ishikawa T, Mori Y, Asada H, Iso H, Yamanishi K; Shozu Herpes Zoster
(SHEZ) Study Group. Assessment of skin test with varicella-zoster virus antigen for
predicting the risk of herpes zoster. Epidemiol Infect 2013; 141: 706-13.
14. Tang
H, Moriishi
E, Okamoto
S, Okuno
Y, Iso
H, Asada
H, Yamanishi
K, Mori
Y; Shozu Herpes Zoster Study group. A community-based survey of varicella-zoster virus-specific
immune responses in the elderly. J Clin Virol 2012; 55: 46-50.
15. Guess HA, Broughton DD, Melton LJ 3rd, Kurland LT. Epidemiology of herpes zoster in
children and adolescents: a population-based study. Pediatrics. 1985; 76(4): 512-7.